†First wall
◊Dan on the wall
†View south
‡Amy traversing
†View west
†Dan, Amy, and Matt posing
†Matt and Amy at the keyhole
◊Amy in the keyhole
‡Amy in the keyhole
†Matt in the keyhole
‡Amy and Matt
◊Greg after the keyhole
†Windswept tree
◊Dan self portrait on the bridge
†Matt on the bridge
◊Amy and Matt at the bridge
◊Bridge looking backwards
‡View up a rock face
†Matt and Amy
◊Greg and Matt
†Dan ascending head wall
◊Dan near the summit
†Greg self portrait
‡Praying Mantis
‡Amy approaching the summit
‡Amy on the summit
◊Greg on the headwall
◊View East from summit
◊View West from the summit
◊View down to the bridge
†Looking down at the bridge
◊Dan on the summit
†Matt on the summit
†View of valley farm from the summit
‡Amy near the top
‡Amy ascending
‡Matt Amy and Greg
‡View East from summit
‡Greg descending
‡Matt hanging out
‡Energy beans
†Rock Formation
†Amy and Matt
‡Lebannese Pastries
†View West from the summit
†View East from summit
† Greg Scharer Photographer
‡ Dan Lucier Photographer
◊ Matt Meyer Photographer