Day 4: Kautz Chute, Upper Nisqualle, camping in the Summit Crater, and Summit

Curtis Gifford, Rob McGough, Dave Rapp, Paul Grewall, Nick Segalle, and Greg Scharer

Greg packing for summit ♥

Starting up the Kautz Chute ♥

Chute view ♥

Traverse between steep spots ‡

Nearing first rest break at 12,500ft ♣

Rob ◊

View of ice walls †

Paul †

Ice in the breaking light ‡

Rob †

Curtis ♣

Atop the Kautz Cleaver ♦

Looking out onto the upper Nisqualle †

Serac Details †

Curtis ◊

Nick and Greg scouting ♣

Heading across the Nisqualle †

Whiteout conditions ♣

Heading up towards the summit crater ♥

Arrival on the summit in total whiteout ♣

View up from crator crevasse ♥

View down into summit crevasse ◊

Inside the crevasse views ♥

Crevasse rescue views ◊

Suddenly, the clouds cleared! †

Steam cave views ♥

Curtis heading towards the summit †

Camp 3 Tents ♥

Cave entrance details ♣

Climbing to the true summit †

Sumit views ♥

Greg and Nick ♥

Team shadow portrait ♥

Crater view ♣

Rob ♣

Greg †

Fiji's on the summit ♣

Camp detail from the summit ♣

Curtis †

Camp 3 at 14,270ft ◊

† Greg Scharer Photographer

‡ Curtis Gifford Photographer

♣ Rob McGough Photographer

♦ Dave Rapp Photographer

◊ Paul Grewall Photographer

♥ Nick Segalle Photographer