Day 1: Paradise to Camp 1 at 8,200ft

Curtis Gifford, Rob McGough, Dave Rapp, Paul Grewall, Nick Segalle, and Greg Scharer

Rainier from Seattle ♦

View up Nisqualle River ♦

Dave and Paul ◊

Preping Gear ◊

Ready to go ♦

Crossing the Nisqualle †

The Fan ♣

Rainier from the middle of the Nisqualle ‡

Starting up the Fan †

View towards Nisqualle Ice Fall ‡

Climbing the Fan †

Rob ♥

Still climbing the Fan †

View down the Fan ♥

Climbing final ridge †

Curtis and Rob at Camp 1 ♦

Camp 1 with Mt Adams in the background ♣

Route planning ♣

Curtis †

Sunset from Camp 1 †

† Greg Scharer Photographer

‡ Curtis Gifford Photographer

♣ Rob McGough Photographer

♦ Dave Rapp Photographer

◊ Paul Grewall Photographer

♥ Nick Segalle Photographer