Day 4: Bergschrund to Liberty Camp and Descent

Curtis Gifford, Rob McGough, Dave Rapp, and Greg Scharer

Rob in the morning †

Back to the Bergschrund †

Dave and Rob climbing, Curtis leading †

Bergschrund detail †

Everyone at anchor †

Curtis leading next pitch †

Rob and Dave climbing †

Team climbing †

Greg swapping into lead ‡

Curtis and Rapp ‡

Team climbing out of Bergschrund ‡

Belaying Curtis into anchor above Bergschrund †

Team heading towards Liberty Cap †

Windswept features approaching summit †

Liberty Cap †

View of Columbia Crest from Liberty Cap †

UVA Flag and Team on the Summit †

Summit pics †

View south from Liberty Cap †

Begin descent †

Descent into the clouds †

Above Russell Cliffs above to drop to Emmons †

Approaching Camp Schurman †

Ranger Cabin at Schurman ‡

Alpine Ascents Camp ‡

About to glissad at dusk on Inter Glacier ‡

Final stretch back to car in the dark. Arrived at car around 3:00 AM ‡

† Greg Scharer Photographer

‡ Curtis Gifford Photographer